• CBS Reports Season 5

    S5 E1: Racial Profiling 2.0

    23M FEB 20, 2020 TV-PG

    S5 E1: As police departments turn to big data to help reduce crime in their neighborhoods, advocacy groups are sounding the alarm about high-tech racial profiling. The algorithm-driven systems analyze supposedly impartial historical crime data to predict where crimes will occur or who might commit them. But critics say the data can actually reinforce biased past police practices. This CBS Reports documentary raises the question: Are predictive policing programs actually super-charging racial bias?

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Each CBS Reports documentary takes a deep dive into key issues driving national and global conversations. The stories cover a wide range of topics such as the ripple effects of America’s culture wars, climate change, the rise in extremism, the economic shifts impacting communities to countries and the ways technologies are both saving and threatening humanity. CBS Reports documentaries bring important stories to life from the people and voices who live them.
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