• FBI TRUE Season 4

    S4 E14: Stopping a Sniper

    24M FEB 01, 2024 TV-MA

    S4 E14: After a family doctor well-known for performing abortions is gunned down in his suburban Buffalo home in 1998, all clues point to an anti-abortion extremist as the sniper. But he’s nowhere to be found. Soon, the FBI turns to a rookie agent and a confidential informant in hopes they can ply a convicted clinic bomber and his wife for the intel that will bring this top 10 fugitive to justice.

Full Episodes

We’ve seen the wildly successful movies and shows, but what are the real FBI agents thinking when they come face to face with the unimaginable? Can they save a hostage, apprehend a killer, and thwart a terrorist? And who do agents confide in after the dust settles? They unravel their stories to each other -- the way real FBI agents talk to one another, with elbows on the bar with the grit left in.

From Craig Turk, co-creator of the CBS drama FBI, and former FBI agent turned producer Anne Beagan. Each episode has agents meeting up at a legendary watering hole — just down the street from the FBI’s New York headquarters. This is where they’ve celebrated their triumphs and told “the real stories behind the stories” for a generation. Some of these agents, including former undercover operatives and members of the Bureau's highly specialized Hostage Rescue Team, are telling their tales for the first time. The dangerous missions carried out by the FBI agents nearly every day, here at home and around the world.

Throughout the series, FBI TRUE gives viewers a look at never-before-seen investigative material like undercover surveillance video, recorded interrogations with hostage takers and terrorists, and personal photos from the agents themselves. Sometimes these cases will be infamous. Sometimes they’ll be unknown. But in every instance, you’ll be hearing the story from the agent who lived and breathed every detail.

Cases profiled on the series include the Boston Marathon bombing on it’s 10th Anniversary, the Golden State Killer, the siege at Waco, Texas on its 30th Anniversary, the Oklahoma City Bombing, the D.C. sniper attacks, the San Bernardino Mass shooting, the Benghazi terrorist attack, the 2016 NYC Chelsea bombing and many, many more. Even if you think you know the case - you’ve never heard the stories by the agents on the ground.
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